Based on tradition, on St Brigid’s Eve groups go from house to house with the “biddy” and on February 1st the “capall” is traditionally led around. The dancers and musicians remain in disguise throughout.
The senior room pupils did a fantastic job this year raising funds for both the school and the Bumbleance charity. Thanks again to the parents for driving and the community for supporting us.
The Children’s National Ambulance Service
The world’s first ambulance service specifically designed and tailored for children.
BUMBLEance is the official Children’s National Ambulance Service of Ireland. They provide safe and comfortable transportation for Ireland’s youngest patients as they travel between their homes and hospitals, hospices, treatment centres, and respite centres nationwide.
At BUMBLEance, they know how stressful it is to transport a sick child, BUMBLEance is with families every step of the way, with the comfort and safety of the children as their number one priority.
The BUMBLEance service is the first of its kind in the world. It has all the amenities of a regular ambulance but it includes the all-important extras to make a sick child’s journey as safe, comfortable and entertaining as possible. Their aim is to distract, comfort and entertain Ireland’s youngest and most critically ill patients as they travel to and from hospitals and paediatric treatment centres nationwide.
The pupils are donating €400 to cover the cost of one “Angel Trip” !
BUMBLEance also provides an invaluable service through its Angel Trips. An Angel Trip is designed for a terminally ill child who is making his or her final journey on earth before he or she grows their Angel Wings. BUMBLEance ensures that parents can make this final journey together with their loved one in a safe, compassionate, sensitive and caring environment.
Before the Angel Trip service, parents would often have to drive themselves home with their loved one or to take a taxi, this is not a viable option for many families during such a devastating and heart wrenching journey.